Anacapa Surgical Associates proudly hosts Ventura Bariatrics, the surgical metabolic and weight loss program. This program is a multi disciplinary program including bariatric surgeons, dieticians, psychologists, support groups and classes as well as host of ancillary staff to help with the disease of obesity. Ventura Bariatrics has been awarded the Blue Shield of Distiction award. The Blue Distinction Centers designation signifies that your bariatric program met nationally established criteria by demonstrating expertise in delivering quality specialty care, safely and effectively.
Our mission is to improve our patients’ health through lasting weight loss by reducing life threatening risk factors (listed below), improving self-esteem and enhancing quality of life. We use scientific knowledge, medical technology, advanced surgical expertise and ongoing support to help our patients succeed. We employ a comprehensive preoperative program-oriented approach to reduce the risks of surgery, enhance long-term health and safe weight loss.
Gladys Navarro, RN, Supervisor
Health Risks of Obesity
Obesity may lead to problems that include but not limited to:
• Type 2 Diabetes and certain cancers
• Heart and circulation problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.
• Sleep Apnea and/or other breathing problems
• Back and/or joint problems
• Problems with skin, urination, and menstruation
• Depression and/or other mental health problems
Open Monday – Friday 9 AM to 5 PM.
Closed everyday for lunch from 12 – 1 PM
Use these quicklinks below to go to the Bariatric website or the patient portal.