Otolaryngology and Head/Neck Surgery
Our practice covers all aspects of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) disorders, including disorders of the ears, nose, throat, and neck. All age ranges are seen, from infants to adults.
Joanna Jimenez, LVN, Supervisor
We are committed to providing compassionate care of the whole person in a relaxing, welcoming environment. Some of the ailments we provide treatment for, as well as the services performed are:
• Hoarseness/ Globus sensation/ Throat Pain = Nasopharyngoscopy; a thin endoscopy scope that is guided through the nose down the throat to better visualize the throat anatomy
• Tongue Tie = Frenulectomy; a small quick procedure that involves excising the tight tissue connecting the tongue to the floor of mouth in order to improve tongue mobility
• Lower lip mass (Mucocele)= Lower lip excision; excising the mass carefully with a scalpel which may need stitches to help with wound healing
• Fluid Behind TM/ Eustachian Tube Dysfunction = Myringotomy with tubes; insertion of a PE tube into the tympanic membrane (inner ear) to alleviate fluid or ear pressure
• Nasal Fracture = Closed Nasal Fracture Reduction; manually adjusting nasal septum to original placement
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