Ventura County Medical Center and the Department of Surgery are dedicated to providing specialized health services to patients that require surgical procedures.
Our mission is to provide high quality patient centered services, through physician driven performance evaluation and continuous process improvement initiatives. This entails the ability to critique ourselves and identify issues, develop plans, and correct problems all geared to ensure that patients are given the best care possible. The quality improvement processes involve:
• Surgical specialty specific peer review
• Surgical/Trauma Morbidity and Mortality conferences
• Credentialing and privileging
• Maintenance of ACS outcome databases including NSQIP, TQIP, MBSAQIP, and CESQIP,
• Clinical practice guidelines
• Research
All of these processes are championed by an Anacapa Surgical Associates provider. The Surgical PI program reports all activity through the Department of Surgery and to the Risk Management and Patient Safety hospital committee as specified in the hospital QI plan.
Use these quicklinks below to go to the Bariatric website or the patient portal.