The Thoracic Surgeons of Anacapa Surgical have tremendous interest and experience with lung cancer. They are committed to providing minimally invasive techniques to help treat patients with abnormalities in the chest including lung cancers and other problems that are less serious.
Alondra Heredia, LVN, Supervisor
All of our surgeons are experienced heart surgeons who also work with our cardiology team to provide access to open heart procedures like bypass and valve operations. Our surgeons are the most experienced in Ventura County at both thoracic and cardiac procedures including:
• Lung resections and operations for tumors or infection of the lung
• Minimally invasive and robotic assisted Thoracic Surgery
• Surgery for esophagus tumors and other esophageal diseases
• Surgery for thoracic trauma; including chest wall trauma, lung trauma and cardiac trauma
• Coronary Artery Bypass grafting, including “Beating heart” operations for cardiovascular disease
• Heart valve repair and heart valve replacement operations for heart valve disease.
• Surgery for atrial fibrillation
• Surgery to repair aortic dissections or aneurysms
• Surgery on the pericardium
• Surgery to repair congenital heart problems in adults (ie atrial septal defect)
• Surgery on varicose veins including Endovenous Laser Ablation, Sclerotherapy and Phlebectomy
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